Here’s a selection of my book reviews (and one film review), mostly Lewis-related, as you see, but a fair few on other subjects too
Tolkien’s Modern Reading
Holly Ordway (Word On Fire Academic, 2021) in Catholic World Report (16 January 2021)
Faith, Hope and Poetry
Malcolm Guite (Ashgate, 2012) in HBU's School of Christian Thought blog (November 2015)
C.S. Lewis: The Work of Christ Revealed
P.H. Brazier (Pickwick, 2012) in New Blackfriars (Vol. 95, July 2014)

The Lion’s World: A Journey into the Heart of Narnia
Rowan Williams (SPCK, 2012) in Seven: An Anglo-American Literary Review (Vol. 29)
Out Of My Bone: The Letters of Joy Davidman
ed. Don W. King (Eerdmans, 2009) in Christianity and Literature (60.1, 2010)

A Sword Between the Sexes? C.S. Lewis and the Gender Debates
Mary Stewart Van Leeuwen (Brazos Press, 2010) in Books & Culture (Sept/Oct 2010)
C.S. Lewis on the Final Frontier: Science and the Supernatural in the Space Trilogy
Sanford Schwartz (Oxford University Press, 2009) in Books & Culture (Sept/Oct 2010)
Hunting the Unicorn: A Critical Biography of Ruth Pitter
Don W. King (Kent State University Press, 2008) in Christianity and Literature (58:3)
C.S. Lewis, Collected Letters, Volume III
ed. Walter Hooper (HarperCollins, 2006) in Books & Culture (March/April 2007)

The Way into Narnia: A Reader’s Guide
Peter J. Schakel (Eerdmans, 2005) in Themelios, An International Journal for Theological Students (31:3)
Into the Region of Awe: Mysticism in C.S. Lewis
David C. Downing (Intervarsity Press, 2005) in Books & Culture (Jan/Feb, 2006)

Translucence: Religion, the Arts, and Imagination
Carol Gilbertson & Gregg Muilenburg (Fortress Books, 2004) in Theology (March/April 2006)

Signs of God: Miracles and their Interpretation
Mark Corner (Ashgate, 2005) in Church Times (27 January 2005)

Secret Fire: The Spiritual Vision of J.R.R. Tolkien
Stratford Caldecott (Darton, Longman & Todd, 2003) in Church Times (25 June 2004)

Reading the Classics with C.S. Lewis
ed. Thomas L. Martin (Paternoster Press, 2002) in Seven: An Anglo-American Literary Review (Vol. 19)

Literary Companion to the Lectionary
Mark Pryce (SPCK, 2001) in The Glass, The Journal of the Christian Literary Studies Group (No. 14, 2002)

C.S. Lewis For The Third Millennium
Peter Kreeft (Ignatius Press, 1994) in Seven: An Anglo-American Literary Review (Vol. 12)